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Deskside Holoprinter®

The DHL Deskside Holoprinter® is the world's first commercial available office printer for 3-D pictures, called holograms. Engineers can now visualize their 3-D computer designs in their own office by holography. This is a breakthrough in hardcopy of your data. Molecular scientists can visualize 3-D complex molecule structures giving better insight into these molecules. Air flow around cars or airplanes from windtunnel measurement can be visualized in 3-D. Medical data from NMR scans give a perfect 3-D visualization.

W. Spierings

Dutch Holographic Laboratory B.V.
Kanaaldijk Noord 61
Eindhoven, 5642JA
31-40-2814865 (fax)

Deskside Holoprinter is a Registered Trademark of Dutch Holographic Laboratory B.V.

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